we offer ALL styles of music & we work with world-class musicians; many are music professors, have graduated prestigious music academies, have appeared on Broadway/TV & have toured the world

all size ensembles available: solo, duos, trios, all the way up to a 19 piece big band & creative DJ’s/MC’s

here is a small sample of musicians we work with with:


wedding/party band

traditional classical and contemporary songs in a classical style

wedding/party band

country music, old school and new

dueling pianos



Solo artists

James Taylor Tribute Band

wedding/party band

Dan Reardon, country

blues, jazz, should, Caribbean

tribute bands

Brazilian jazz.

classic rock



the Hey Nows


swing, the great American songbook

Rock, jazz, blues

Classical, world music, ethnic

pop & Diva show

this is a very small sample of our offerings; once we learn more about your taste in music we will send you other videos, or try to get you to see the musicians in person